Sunday, March 22, 2015

Being disciplined on the weekend is a pain in the...

Hey everyone! I hope you guys has a great weekend! Staying on track during the weekend was harder than I thought, but without any MAJOR slip ups, it was alright. I went out with my friends last night for some much needed fun but now it's back to business. Today was spent meal prepping so here's what next week is looking like!

Early Morning: 1 scoop of protein powder and 2 cups of almond milk.
I use this stuff (pictured below):

Breakfast: 2 egg muffins (I put mushrooms and spinach in mine. I also used a small carton of egg whites and mixed in 4 whole eggs)

Afternoon: 1 lean GNC shake (pictured below)

Lunch: (M/W/F) 1 chicken breast with sautéed greens (spinach, kale and chard) with asparagus, broccoli, carrots and onion (T/TH) Ground turkey with sautéed greens (spinach, kale and chard) with asparagus, broccoli, carrots and onion

Evening: 1 Apple 

Dinner: Night to night - I'll usually use fish, chicken or turkey with sautéed greens of some sort. 

For beverages I have 1 cup of coffee in the morning with the equivalent of 2 creamers and water for the rest of the day.

All of that and lots of exercise! 


1 comment:

  1. I wish I had the info when I was your age, to better health ! You'll make it . . .
