Saturday, April 25, 2015

Progress and A Word For My Haters

Heyyyyyohhhhhh! Happy Saturday!

As I sit here watching the Warrior game, I figured I'd make myself useful and check in!

I announced this on Facebook already, because I was excited and just couldn't wait, but I weighed in at 161.3lbs today! As I said on the FB post, I know when I started this blog, I said I was starting at a weight of 179.somethinglbs... but it turns out, after a visit to my doctor which came after I started the blog, I found out I was a whopping 190somethinglbs.

SO - that means as of today, I've pretty much lost 30 freaking lbs!!!! WHAT WHAAAAAT! I am SO excited. I took a progress picture, which I am still sitting on. It is intimidating to post photos like that. And while some people may not think so....yes, I am still a real person too. Stuff freaks me out, like posting pictures of that nature on the internet.

That leads me to the next thing I want to address. (Caution - EXPLICIT CONTENT AHEAD)


Yes, I know you're there. I've read your mean messages, regulated your rude/nasty comments and even responded to some of you with kindness. I tell you this... KEEP. IT. COMING. You fuel me. While you're sitting there in your mama's basement that you've converted into a perfect cave for you to sit on your ass, probably eating cheese puffs, saying rude shit about people, I am over here bettering myself.  It's people like you that make me so thrilled to be in the position I am in. I can publicly address people like you and I have a great group of followers who can back me on this. You can sit there and call me whatever the fuck you'd like, but know that I read your comments/messages and I go through a very specific series of feelings:

  1. I laugh.  
  2. Depending on how bad it is, I might get my feelings hurt. ( I said earlier... I am a person with feelings here too)
  3. I laugh again
  4. I tell a couple of my friends and we all talk about what an asshole you are
  5. I actually feel SORRY for you. It is really sad to live a life where you actually take time out of your day to say something hurtful to someone you've never met, nor will you get the pleasure to meet in your life. 
  6. I forget about you. That's right, your time is up. Over it. #byefelicia 

Phew! Apologies for the harshness there, but you know what? I promised to be as real with all of you as possible. That was real. Screw the haters. We're better than them anyways! 

Have a great rest of your weekend! 
-Katie G

1 comment:

  1. I cannot blame you for some angry times, goes with the losing fat wt, irritation and so forth. When those FB 'friends' ain't really friends, or they turn out to be the opposite of yourself and their comments are 'hurtful' in a harmful way, why hang on to a singular person you might understand as hateful, especially if they do it every day. I look into some and find them not so nice on their own facebook site, if bad enuf I do unfriend them. Don't let them get you down, likely they're jealous. As for the mashers, I'd think they're worse and unfriend them right off. KEEP ON DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING - only you know what's best for yourself ! ! !
