I know, I know... I'm the most unreliable blogger of life. I'll let you guys in on what's been up.
So the last time I wrote, it was May 22 and I was really sick. It started on May 19th/20th, I woke up for work and felt like absolute hell, had a sore throat and was fatigued. Whenever I feel like I am starting to get sick 3 things happen:
- I panic. I panic especially with THAT kind of sick. A stomach bug is one thing... but my throat is my life. My voice is my job.
- I do what I call "blasting myself." I take every freaking remedy you can think of all day long. Emergen-c, local honey and lemon water, gargling salt water, sipping apple cider vinegar, taking cough suppressants, eating Mom's soup...you name it, I try it.
- I start to feel better and try to do something active to "sweat it out." Don't get me wrong, I usually feel great, but in hindsight, I should have been resting.
After those 3 things go down, I go to bed with a prayer that I wake up the next morning in tip top shape. This was NOT the case with whatever has had me since that day. Here we are, June freaking 3rd, and I am stilllllllll fighting whatever has me. This isn't consistent in the slightest either and I heard it's going around so maybe some of you can relate.
So, I cough like a harp seal. Attractive, I know. For some reason I've done it since I was little. Go big or go home right? I usually cough so hard, that it causes my voice to say "F you" and take off. So I went to the doctor to suppress the cough to get my voice to come back. After taking 2 and a half days off (Thursday the 21st, then I was sent home at 5:30am Thursday the 28th and stayed home Friday the 29th) I was able to come back to work this Monday. My voice is almost back, but this cough is lingering like a friend who doesn't take social cues on when it's time to shut the party down. Another thing about having crap in your chest that sucks is that it makes working out a little difficult.
I've been SO frustrated these last couple weeks. I haven't been able to do anything. Not to mention California, WTF is up with this gray weather?! It's depressing and not motivating. Plus it's June, so... summer up already, would ya?! Sheeeesh! And please, spare me of the "we're in a drought and need it." I know, I report the news on the drought every day and am aware. I also haven't noticed much rain, just crappy gray, depressing skies.
Anyways, it's been really frustrating being on such a life changing mission, and hitting a major hurdle right in the middle of it. I was talking to my dad today and got a little spark of motivation. He reminded me that I started this mission in March, and have made major progress. Yes, I am down and out right now, but the second that I feel like I can run without having a coughing attack, you better believe I'll be back to it. Also, I haven't just been sitting around eating and doing nothing. I've gone on a few 4 mile walks, I've been doing squats and sit ups every day and I've been continuing to watch my diet.
My weight this morning: 146.0 lbs! I'm down almost 46 lbs. Still not bad... still a ways to go, but still not bad.
If you're as frustrated as I am, remind yourself that you won't be sick forever. Use this time to nourish your body and rest. Don't try to over do it because you'll only prolong the issue. And, even though I got depressed, I've been able to mentally overcome that. Yes, this blows, but how awesome am I going to feel when I break out a crazy 6 mile hike and hit the gym later that night?! I'm going to be thrilled, the more rest I take now, the sooner that time will come. :)
2 other things:
- I would like to offer my most sincere THANK YOU to all of you who donated and shared the Fisher House Foundation donation page from our radiothon on May 22nd. If you haven't heard, we raised over $136,000 for the Fisher House Foundation, and it was all thanks to your immense generosity. So again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. Here's the release about that days show:
KSFO, San Francisco Raises $135,000 for Fisher House Foundation. During the Memorial Day holiday weekend, Cumulus Media-owned news/talker KSFO, San Francisco’s morning show with Brian Sussman, Katie Green and Sheri Yee helped raise $136,000 for the Fisher House Foundation. The “KSFO Morning Show” broadcast live from the Palo Alto Fisher House Friday morning from 5:00 am to 9:00 am and featured interviews with soldiers and their families who have used Fisher
House’s services. Listeners donated online and by phone during the live broadcast and throughout the Memorial Day weekend. KSFO supported the fundraiser through on-air recorded and live promotional announcements, listings on KSFO.com and a message from Brian Sussman on the KSFO newsletter. This is the fifth consecutive year for KSFO’s Memorial Day weekend fundraising effort. KSFO has raised more than $600,000 for Fisher House Foundation over the past five years. Sussman comments, “Once again the KSFO audience has revealed its profound patriotism! This kind of generous giving is representative of the American spirit.”
- As you may know, my friend Eugene Yoon, who you heard on the program with my other dear friend Arthur Renowitzky, is walking from the CA/Mexico border along the Pacific Coast Trail... 1,726 MILES! He is doing it to help raise money so Arthur can walk again. Arthur was shot during a robbery in 2007 and was left in a coma for 23 days. When he came out of it he was paralyzed. I remember playing ball with Arthur and I remember him walking and I want to see that happen again. He needs our help, so if you're in the giving mood, please donate to his go fund me page here: http://www.gofundme.com/iwillwalk - Thank you guys!
Well, I'm going to call it a blog and have some dinner now. Thank you all, as always, for taking time to read my blog! You guys are zeeeeee best!
Don't Worry, Be Happy!
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